Bath Series

The Self-Initiate Bath Series

Going to the next level can have different meanings for different people.
I created this 5 week self initiate series, so that you can be comfortable in your own space while liberating you from DNA ancestral burdens and family curses.
By tuning into your own consciousness and returning to your original soul agreement in this life, you can leave the past in the past, create new memories, and find power in your destiny.
When you’re ready, I’ll be here.

Your participation:
This is your journey and it consist of three parts- your willingness to meet your higher self half way, your willingness to meet me your facilitator half way, and then your final agreement with the universe inside (what will you create next).

On the positive side, expect to feel you more. Expect to release baggage from your physical and energetic self and then feel lighter.
You’ll experience enlightenment which means that you’ll want what’s best for you and have a sense of contentment.
You may have increased intuition simply because the brain chatter has decreased.
More ideas and energy to execute them.
Good luck and blessings seem to find you easier now-more positive opportunities.
You’ll be a full participant of your own life which means society’s pressures no longer phase you.
Everyone is different, hence an over all individual view of euphoria.

Details are limited here and you’ll receive more information and specific instructions based on your initial reading.
You are responsible for extra expenses toward small items you may need along the way.
Your initial cost of $1399. covers your readings, pre-made baths sent to your home, and energy clearings to assist with the 5 week process.
I’m excited for you already and look forward to working with you.

To book this special service, contact Damaris

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