Unpack the mysteries of the universe!

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"I got a past life reading and it was EVERYTHING that I needed! It gave me some really good insight into my soul mates (soul family) and how my current (at the time) life experiences played out."

Solomone, Singer

"I no longer feel lost or like I’m going in circles when it comes to elevating. I can honestly say it was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made! I am so grateful to have come across such an amazing person/spirit.”"

Judith Gardner, Dancer

“Getting readings from Damaris really changed my life for the better! Her readings have not only helped me to start living a healthy spiritual life, but also educated me about myself to know what things I need to do to maintain that spiritual health."

D. Brown, Director

Chat With Damaris

Damaris Starr is a highly sought after artist, healer, and intuitive guide who utilizes her natural born- innate gifts of clairvoyance (seeing) and clairsentience (sensing) to guide and assist her clients on their path to healthy and successful living. Damaris inherited her spiritual gifts through her African and Native American ancestry. After fully accepting her birthright, in 2002 she was initiated by the way of her Spirit Guides. Through the experiences of the initiation, she obtained a full understanding of her true purpose and life's work in all realms of her life.

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Some Of Our Services

Unlocking the mysteries of your past, present, and future with intuitive insight

Guiding you through the complexities of love with clarity and compassion.

Navigating the path to wellness through intuitive guidance and holistic insight.

Nurturing the spiritual growth and potential of your little ones with gentle guidance and intuition.

Diving deep into the essence of your soul, unveiling its purpose and potential with profound insight.

Guiding souls through the transformative journey of departure and rebirth with clarity.

Transforming darkness into light, uncovering positivity and harmony through intuitive guidance.

Dispelling fears and uncertainties, revealing the truth with clarity and empowerment.

Get Closer to your ancestors